Excerpt from DO YOU LOVE ME?:
As she finished her laps Monday morning, Savanna grew disgruntled that her routine would have to change to accommodate Mr....? She stopped stock still, holding onto the side of the pool. She didn’t even know the man’s last name. Anyway, this would have to be her last morning for skinny dipping, since Pedro would be around.
Savanna waded out of the shallow end shaking excess water from her arms and scrubbing her fingers through her dark hair.
Standing on the side of the pool, she inhaled deeply and straightened. Her breasts swelled and she tipped her head forward to see her waist and abdomen flatten. Not bad, for her age. Her legs were browned, some of it suntan, most of it from the sunless tanning lotion she used after her nightly bath.
What difference did it make how she looked? Who was there to notice or care?
She had felt a little confused about things since she agreed to be a fairy godmother, updated...and revised. Still, it was an opportunity to do something helpful with her particular gifts and to witness the results firsthand, assuming there would be good changes to see.
She snugged into the heavy terry cloth robe, shivering a little in its warmth as she tied the thick sash. Early mornings now found a hint of fall in the air. The cottonwoods below the hill were shedding leaves.
She breathed deeply and hated to think of winterizing the pool next month, October, sometime before Halloween. Thoughts of how quickly the summer had slipped by made her melancholy. As she turned around preparing to go inside, she was startled to see a familiar form step out of the shadows near the back gate. So startled she couldn’t speak immediately, she finally said, “How long have you been there?”
Biting back a wicked smile, Pedro responded in perfect English. “Not long.”